Now I know honey is not vegan, but as a nutritionist I cannot help mentioning the health benefits of this lovely golden liquid. It is loaded with enzymes, antioxidants, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and niacin. It is good for our gut health, immune system and stress levels.
How to use it
Once again, the main idea here is to never ever cook honey. It should always stay below 37 degrees. So you can put it in your smoothie bowl or eat it as a raw treat. If you love your tea with honey, please make sure to give your tea some time to cool down a little before adding the honey in.
However please be mindful that honey can be tricky. Once warmed up to 37 degrees Celsius or higher, it loses most of its health benefits. That is why when dealing with honey consuming it "raw" - is essential. And to make sure you are getting the best honey that you can get, always try to buy from local producers that you trust and of course preferably organic.